Friday, 2 October 2015

Donuts are not always Sweet


Morning messages either left me high or low sometimes in between.
Today's message left me sad and low
With heavy heart
No time to mourn
We have to go
Doctor's appointment is in
Another reminder of the finite roles and responsibilities I hold.
Doctor's visit was uneventful.
Walking back
My little Girl wants a donut or two
As I sip my coffee
The memories, clouding my mind..
"Bavarian Cream was Chito's favourite "
Unconsciously uttering it to my daughter
Who gave me a bewildered look.
"Chito who" she asked with knitted eyebrows
Meeting my glance.
Chito was a batch mate and a friend.
And he passed away yesterday.
Bavarian cream will now give bittersweet memories
RIP Luis Antonio Abad .

July 9, 2015 

Tuesday, 1 September 2015



A part of Me
Lived here
A part of Me
Grew here
A part of Me
Dreamed here
A part of home
Is within
Not full
Not all
A part of home
Makes Me whole

Life, Wealth and Death

Snatching the yellow
Snatching the gold
Snatching the orange
Searching for my moods

Mixing the colors
Mixing the moods
Watching the sunshine
And wandering moods

So snatching the yellow
Snatching the  gold
Snatching the orange
And Bending the moods.

Enough of the yellow
Enough of the gold
Enough of the orange
Time to bury the old.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Shades of forever

Fleeting moments
We shared ...
Were placed
In the hands

Of the everlasting One

Why goodbye?
When those moments
Are shades of forever
In His hands.  

Friday, 14 August 2015

Freedom at 69

Let me celebrate the unfurling of tri-colour
With all vigour
Let me stand erect and proud
As Your wings spread against the wind
For a fraction of a second
My eyes gazed at the soil
A reminder each stone my eyes laid upon represent
Injustice and poverty
The sacrifices Your Children made
Propelled me
To look up
To strive
To lessen the stones of injustice and poverty
Scattered all over Your soil