Sunday 7 December 2014



In the midst of papers and chaos in life,

The three of us hanging in there

His Red Ribbon...

Serving as fragile thread edging us ..

to hold on and hang in there 

Tuesday 1 July 2014


Memories are not housed in four walls.

They live and breathe in our minds.

As the years move on,

Even our minds falter

To remember....

Something , an event ... are bound...

To be left behind..


The real and imaginary parts of our homeland,

Meets.... as we reclaim Our Home.

Monday 30 June 2014

Milk, Pink , then Blood

A veil
A red vermilion
A silver  anklet

They dance

A veil
A red vermilion
A silver anklet

They laugh

A veil
A red vermilion
A silver anklet

The cycle goes on.....
It seems to last a life time,
Holding on
Moving on

One day

A veil
A red vermilion
A silver anklet

Danced no more

And the milk...
Turned pink...
She breathe her last
In a pool of blood!