Friday, 11 October 2013

A Kiss

Is there anything to miss?
Maybe a Kiss?
What kind of Kiss?
A Judas Kiss
Slowly Creeps In
Engulfing, shredding
A trusting SOUL
In bits and pieces.

Friday, 27 September 2013


A voice
A feeling..
A reality..
A perspective..
I let go

Seeking resonance
Seeking acceptance
Seeking space
In this world
And in your being.

Monday, 26 August 2013


A feather light touch on my shoulder
Light as a lover's whisper
A touch so light
Before I knew it 
It engulfed my being 

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Dreams to Dust

We weave our dreams
In the intricate patterns of life
The patterns so big and enormous
Stretching us

Are we unmindful
Of the intricate patterns that we created ?
Which cause our dreams
To break
and Crumble ,,, 

Journey to Rest

Walking in the seashore
Feeling the scorching heat of the Sun
But the ever present water that flows
Through Your Son
Bathe me, Refresh me, Rejuvenates me..
Ever abounding and extending
Movements of Your love
The footprints of my past.

*Journey to Rest was written on 12th of September, 1998

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Silent Scream

      Silent Scream

Her silent scream , unspoken protest
The different sounds of silence
That echoes and vibrates pain
Clamoring to be heard
In the cruel and brutal world that we call